Portfolio Management
Technology: Information drives the financial industry. As such, we believe that having the most sophisticated and up to date technology is crucial for successful portfolio management. Our main technological tool is Bloomberg, with its plethora of resources to access financial markets the world over. Additionally, Bloomberg provides the most current information on economic, geopolitical and other events in any market or country of interest. The Bloomberg Anywhere technology allows us to work from any location in the world, enabling us to provide uninterrupted quality service to clients wherever they might be.
Fundamental Analysis: Fundamental analysis is used to obtain a picture of the financial health of a specific company, and to identify any variables that might have an impact on its stock valuation. Special emphasis is given to a company's financial analysis. This includes valuation, ratio analysis, debt equity analysis, income analysis, balance sheet analysis, cash flow analysis, Dividend Discount Model and other methods.
Growth versus valuation is also used to identify the company's performance against the corresponding benchmark and its peers.
Technical Analysis: Technical analysis is used as a complement to fundamental analysis. We do not rely on technical analysis alone for the selection of individual stocks, but rather on the valuable information that is available from it. Price action, trends, and momentum analysis can offer helpful insights on potential stock price movements.
Trading: For our RIA clients, we utilize the services of the Interactive Brokers Institutional trading desk. The ability to do block trades allows for greater efficiency and flexibility during hectic trading days, thus providing better account/client service.
Management Fee: Our fee is based on the market value of the assets under management, as is standard investment management practice. A detailed breakdown is given in our ADV II form as well as in our Investment Advisory Agreement. For portfolio management services we do not charge a commission because we feel that there is a better alignment of interests by charging a management fee instead.